Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Improve Circulation for Extra Energy & Better Health

  • Email : bksureshv@gmail.com

Improve Circulation for
Extra Energy & Better Health

Now, you can achieve better health and greater vitality, by neutralising negative energies, and re-charging your body's energy field with the good energy frequencies of the Scalar Energy Pendant. It is great for anyone who wants to feel more energetic and live life to their fullest – busy executives, working parents, golfers, students, the elderly, drivers, weight and health conscious individuals, and frequent computer or mobile phone users.

We are offering the best Scalar Energy products in the market!

How to use the Scalar Energy Pendant?

1) Wear Pendant over the neck 2) Place Pendant over the forehead, or gently
for general health purpose rub the sides the pendant along the top of your
eyebrows to reduce headache and for relaxation
3) Place Pendant over the abdomen 4) Place Pendant underneath your skincare
to reduce stomach-ache and period bottles to improve their ABSORPTION and

5) Place Pendant at the bottom or near 6) Wear Pendant whole night for a good
a glass of water for 15 mins. to and uninterrupted sleep
energize it before drinking

7) Use Pendant to ease joint pain 8) Use Pendant to ease back pain

9) Wear Pendant for better balancing 10) Place Pendant over your eyes to alleviate eye
amongst older people puffiness and discomfort
11) Wear Pendant for better concentration 12) Place Pendant inside the aquarium to keep
and focus in the classroom your fish healthy. You can re-cycle the broken
pendant for this purpose

Scalar Energy Pendant is made in Japan/Korea using advanced nano-technology know-how, with natural minerals structurally bonded together, Scalar Energy Pendant restores balance and harmony to the body to
1. Improve blood circulation
2. Improve stamina, endurance and strength
3. Alleviate soreness, aches & pains, and improve flexibility
4. Energize blood cells & reduce "stickiness"
5. Calm the mind & improve focus
6. Strengthen the body's bio-energy field to protect from harmful electromagnetic waves
Wear Scalar Energy Pendant over the neck, or place it directly on the affected body parts (e.g. knee, back, shoulder, ankle, etc.) to relieve stiffness and soreness.
  • Place it over the forehead for headache and relaxation
  • Place it over the abdomen for stomachache and period pain
Scalar Energy Pendant turns the water in your body into healthy, energized, small-clustered waters!
Scalar Energy Pendant does more than just break down the water molecules and energizing your drinking water. When you wear it, it keeps the water in your body grouped into small cell-penetrating clusters. These tiny clusters of water easily pass through cell membranes, carrying nutrients & oxygen into cells, and waste & toxins out. This easy passage of water into and out of our cells is what keep the cells clean, young and healthy.
Other Uses:
  • Use water energized with Scalar Energy Pendant for washing your face to improve your complexion
  • Place it underneath your skincare bottles to improve their absorption and efficacy
  • Leave it in the refrigerator to keep your food fresher longer

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